Name: Yang Luo Title: Lecturer Email Address: yluo688@cqu.edu.cn Office Room Number: 7334 Office Tel: 13627678683 |
Background of Education and Work Experience
09/2014-02/2019 Ph.D. Researching on dynamic modelling, fault detection and diagnosis of rotating machinery, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ottawa.
09/2011-06/2014 M.S. Major of Mechanical Design and Manufacturing-Robots, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University.
09/2007-09/2011 B.S. Major of Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University.
Research Field
Dynamic modelling and fault feature analysis of gear transmission;
Robotics and control;
Designing and manufacturing of advanced heavy-duty machineries;
Soil mechanics and soil cutting;
Research and Honors
Yang Luo ; Natalie Baddour; Ming Liang, Dynamical modeling and experimental validation for tooth pitting and spalling in spur gears, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018.9.27, 119: 155~181;
Yang Luo ; Natalie Baddour; Ming Liang, A shape-independent approach to modelling gear tooth spalls for time varying mesh stiffness evaluation of a spur gear pair, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018.11.19, 120:836~852;
Yang Luo ; Natalie Baddour; Guosheng Han; Fei Jiang; Ming Liang, Evaluation of the time-varying mesh stiffness for gears with tooth spalls with curved-bottom features, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2018.6.20, 92: 430~442;
Yang Luo ; Natalie Baddour; Ming Liang, Effects of gear center distance variation on time varying mesh stiffness of a spur gear pair, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2017.2.25, 75: 37~53;
Y. Luo, N. Baddour, and M. Liang, "Performance Assessment of Gear Condition Indicators in Detecting Progressive Gear Tooth Crack," in ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2017;
Y. Luo, N. Baddour, and M. Liang, "Dynamical modeling of gear transmission considering gearbox casing" in ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2018;
Y. Luo, N. Baddour, and M. Liang, "Evaluation of time-varying mesh stiffness of gears with tooth spalls modeled as spherical shapes", in PHM 2018 IEEE Conference.