Name: Qi Shuai Title: Assistant Professor Email Address: qishuai@cqu.edu.cn Office Room Number: Office Tel: |
Background of Education and Work Experience
Work Experience
Assistant Professor, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Chongqing University, China, 2021-present
Assistant Professor, School of Automotive Engineering, Chongqing University, China, 2017-2021
Research Scientist, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Connecticut, USA, 2017.02-2017.08
Education Experience
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Connecticut, USA, 2011-2017
M.S., Automotive Engineering, Chongqing University, China, 2008-2011
B.S., Automotive Engineering, Chongqing University, China, 2004-2008
Research Field
Structural health monitoring, prognostics & diagnostics
Piezoelectric transducer and electromagnetic acoustic transducer modeling and application
Static/dynamic structural analysis, Multi-field system dynamic analysis;
Research and Honors
Authored and co-authored more than 10 journal and conference papers
Served as reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, Proceedings of the ASME DSCC, Proceedings of the ASME DSCC DETC….
Host and attend multiple projects including National Key Technologies R&D Program, NSF….